
June 2024 I will be presenting our work “When to Give Feedback: Exploring Tradeoffs in the Timing of Design Feedback” at C&C 2024. I will additionally be session chairing the Co-Creation paper session and helping lead the DEI Panel.
June 2024 So proud of Mingyi Li for graduating with a UCSD CSE Undergraduate Research Award! She will be starting as a PhD student at Northeastern with Maitraye Das.
May 2024 Accepted positions at Stanford HAI for a one-year postdoc and at NUS Computing as an Assistant Professor.
April 2024 Invited talks at USC CS, NUS Computing, and BU AI & Education
March 2024 “Jamplate: Exploring LLM-Enhanced Templates for Idea Reflection” presented at IUI 2024 by Tone Xu
March 2024 Invited talks at Oregon State EECS, Tufts CS, UVA CS, Cornell IS Colloquium, and Indiana HCC
February 2024 Invited talks at UW-Madison CS and Stevens Institute CS
February 2024 Submitted camera-ready to CSCW 2024 “ProcessGallery: Contrasting Early and Late Iterations for Design Principle Learning” (co-lead by Grace Yen and me)
November 2023 “Color Field: Developing Professional Vision by Visualizing the Effects of Color Filters” presented at UIST 2023 by Matt Beaudouin-Lafon
July 2023 Invited talk at DUB Seminar (video)
June 2023 Invited talks at UC Irvine Informatics, Fudan University EDA AI & Math Seminar, and Tsinghua HCI Seminar
May 2023 Invited talk at Berkeley Institute of Design Seminar
April 2023 “DataParticles: Block-Based and Language-Oriented Authoring of Animated Unit Visualization” presented at CHI 2023 by Rima Cao (received Best Paper )
April 2023 Invited talk at UT Austin HCI Seminar
October 2022 Attended Rising Stars in EECS 2022 at UT Austin